Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Painting Night Lords

I have been asked by a few people how I paint my Night Lords so i have spent this morning making a quick tutorial explaining how I paint the main armour panels on each miniature.

Stage 1:

Starting with a basecoat of black primer and then painting in all the armour panels with Abaddon Black.

Stage 2:

I painted in armour all the edges of the armour with a 1/1 mix of Abaddon Black and Kantor Blue (Regal Blue is the old colour)

Stage 3:

This time I painted Kantor Blue over the areas leaving the previous colour showing towards the centre of each panel.

Stage 4:

I then washed the armour on the model with Drakenhof Nightshade (old colour is Asurman Blue). My pot is fairly old so seems to give a slight gloss effect when dry which I don't mind at all.

Stage 5:

This time I painted a 1/1 mix of Kantor Blue and Caledor sky (old colour is Enchanted Blue) over the areas as an edge highlight.

Stage 6:

This time I added Fenrisian Grey (old colour is Space Wolves Grey) as a very thin edge highlight and not letting it go to the darker parts of the model such as the inside of the legs. You can also repeat stages 5 and 6 for the lightning patterns, just adding in pure Fenrisian Grey at the points where the lightning arches and splits.

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